Explore Finland’s beautiful nature– Your Guide to Everyman’s rights

Explore Finland’s beautiful nature– Your Guide to Everyman’s rights

Finland is known for its gorgeous nature which entails thousands and thousands of lakes and forests that offer amazing wild foods. The nature is open to everyone to explore and enjoy but Finnish people also want to make sure it is treated with the utmost respect. This is why the “Jokaisenoikeudet” or “Everyman’s Rights” were created – to inform the dos and don’ts of free-roaming in Finland.

Finland’s nature is both wild and free meaning that whether you are visiting or living in Finland you have the freedom to roam the countryside, forage, fish with a line and rod, and enjoy the recreational use of natural areas. But with this right also comes responsibility. Here are a few good points to help you:

  • Tread carefully, leave no trace, avoid private property, and stay out of areas designed to protect vulnerable environments or wildlife.
  • Hunting and fishing, aside from angling, are strictly prohibited without a permit.
  • When visiting National Parks, please clean up after yourself and replace anything you use such as the chopped firewood.
  • Feel free to pick up some wild blueberries, yellow chanterelles, and cloudberries from the forests. However, never cut down trees or disturb flora and fauna in other ways. Try to steer clear of private homes and only pick the amount you can eat.
  • Finnish forests are home to many wonderful wild animals such as elk, wolf, lynx, fox, wolverine, and bear. So remember, you’re just visiting their home. Never disturb, feed, or approach wild animals
Photo: Julia Kivelä / Visit Finland
  • If you end up on a private land, don’t worry! Just remember that you are now not only visiting nature but also the landowner’s property. Just try your best to respect the rights and privacy of others.
  • Try to leave no marks: Finns don’t play when it comes to littering. Always take your rubbish with you and try your best to recycle them!
  • Try to avoid making any excessive noise as nature is one of the places where Finns go and escape to enjoy some tranquility.

 Photo: Suvi Mansikkasalo

As you can see, with Finnish Everyman’s rights comes responsibilities: Take trash with you, respect wildlife, and stick to guided paths to safeguard our unique ecosystems for the future. To put it simply just leave nothing but footprints behind! So go ahead and enjoy Finnish nature in many ways from national parks to picking up wild foods, swimming, canoeing, going hook and line or ice fishing, or even pitching a tent in some places.

And us Finns are more than welcome for you to enjoy our nature and would be very happy if you did so! So just go out there and don’t stress too much. Just remember the golden rule: try to preserve and protect the unspoiled beauty and wonder of nature for future generations to enjoy.

If you want to know even more here are a few good links to read through:

If you feel that you’re ready, you can test your knowledge of Everyman’s rights. Take the Finnish Forest Association’s test by clicking here to see whether you are aware of the rights and obligations regarding us all and see what type of everyman you are!

Source: Visit Finland: Finnish everyman's rights – the right to roam & enjoy nature
